THE OLD GUESTBOOK From: John McGovern (metalworld@fcmail.com) Saviour Machine is the best band there is.. Please
come to my site and read about what happend to them here in the
state where I live. http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/laudanum/622/ From: Legion (legion@webzone.org) well, to answer the guy right below me, there is only
one true faith, that is Faith in God. anything else is unimportant.
after all, john 14:6 plays a part in it all. but anyway, i hope
to hear SM. never have. been told to, nobody sells them around here.
God bless all ya'll www.angelfire.com/pa2/legion From: Ericka (IHSMRY1@CS.COM) Does anyone know what Christian faith the band members
of SM are? Like Episcopalian, Methodist,etc? Just curious. Thanks!
They are the best thing to happen to Christian music since Chrisian
music itself! God Bless you all! From: Chris Sorum (cjsorum@yahoo.com) Can anyone help me find videos of Saviour Machine?
Write me at- 2229 NE 80th Seattle, WA. 98115 cjsorum@yahoo.com Thanks,
Chris From: Matt (saviourmachine27@hotmail.com) Saviour Machine Rocks!!!!!! I'm putting a link to
them on my web page. http://geocities.com/capitolhill/congress/7640/
From: Dan Cassidy (dcassidy@iupui.edu) I love this band it rocks- nice web page too! From: Jonathan Johannsen The best band ever! Can't wait for Legend 3! From: Marlis (webmaster@legend.de) I love Saviour Machine This is a great page for a
incredible band. Marlis(http://www.legend.de) From: John McGovern (metalworld@fcmail.com) Come to my web page and see what happend here in minnesota.
http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/laudanum/622/ OR directly to the interview....
http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/laudanum/622/article.html SAVIOUR
MACHINE RULES!!!! From: Christina (Overrhines@aol.com) i just heard of this band from a few hardcore christian
friends of mine. they're awesome! From: Felipe Bertarelli (deadsoul@zipmail.com.br)
I'm Looking for other fans that would like to mail
with me I'm from Brazil, I'm 15 years old and I like Saviour Machine
really bad! Like? Mail me From: Björn Seibel (HBMKids@aol,com) Hi to all who read this ! Looking forward to Legend
Pt. 3 we can say that Saviour Machine is one of the biggest bands
in the field of Christian music. To Eric and the others: great !!!
From: Zara (ShankMonkey@hotmail.com) This is such a good page. I love it. From: Jaymz Hetfield (macleod1000@hotmail.com) Hi ! Great page, its even better then the official
page if you ask me. Can anyone help me to find out what all those
hewbrew words in the legend albums means... ? please send me a mail
/Het From: Kees Bos (2Surfman@compuserve.com) This page is really exiting! Thanks for making this,
WITH ETERNAL LOVE, SHERI LUCKEY WATTERS WEDDING PARTY From: Lauren Baker (Lozsaviour@yahoo.com) Hi Fans of saviour machine, I,ve only just come across
this page and think it's great how everyone wan't to get involved
and loves to talk about saviour machine. I have only just become
a fan of them but am totally and utterlly hooked on them. Cheers
for reading. Good luck for the future Feel free to E-mail me any
time. Yours in christ Take care SM fans Lauren Baker From: Josef Bergkvist (josef.bergkvist@usa.net) This is a really cool page! SAVIOUR MACHINE is definately
the greatest band on earth. God bless you! From: Andy Heuer (ajheuer@csbsju.edu) A frined of mine knows Eric, and he received an advance
copy of Legend II about a week ago (on April 8th)... Let me say,
it is absolutely incredible! The production, the creativity, the
musicianship, Eric's vocals -- every aspect of this album is different
and better than anything Saviour Machine has ever done. It is bar
none the most intense, emotional album you will ever listen to.
"The darkest hour lies ahead..." From: matthias (mmittelstaedt@wuerzburg.netsurf.de)
hello, I just discovered your homepage. Thanks for
your support. I am the manager of Saviour Machine. If you need any
information please let me know. Where do you live?? Take care and
God bless Matthias From: ~*evilnomore...mistress of the light*~ (bloodynails@hotmail.com)
BOO! nice page. it has been bookmarked. goodye, Godspeed,
garbanzo beans. From: ElElyon (ElELyon@hotmail.com) very cool page! From: David Staley (saviour_machine@hotmail.com) Cool looking page! Feel free to stop by my Saviour Machine Fan Page at: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/4404 Here's to the release of Legend, Part 2!!! God bless! Created by the Well of Souls & Szilárd Tóth, © 2002 Contact: well-of-souls@freemail.hu or toth.sz@axelero.hu |